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I have a strong fear of anything connected to dentist and teeth issues. I don’t think I can bear the pain…

You simply don’t have to fear of any pain any more. Technology has advanced so far that, basically, any of the dental treatments can be performed without any pain these days (with the help of different anesthetics). Our professionals will consult and advise you on the best solutions for your and your kids’ dental problems.

Bacteria in the mouth transform sugar from food and drink into acid. Acid is harmful to teeth, dissolving the calcium structure. Each acid attack will last until neutralized and washed away by saliva–this may take 20 minutes or longer. After many attacks, holes in the teeth called cavities develop.

The easiest solution is to clean the bacteria of your teeth, that is brushing your teeth for at least 2 minutes twice per day. That will clean most surfaces of bacteria, but will not reach in between the teeth. So flossing is necessary for complete plaque removal. Remember, that flossing comes first, after which you can brush your teeth. The reason is the food particles, removed between the teeth will be washed out with brushing and will not stay in  your mouth, creating favorable environment for bacteria to multiply.

Using fluoridated toothpaste during brushing will strengthen weak spots that may have formed. Preventing exposure to sugars and acids in food and drink, too, is key so that the bacteria can be starved of the fuels needed to produce cavities.

Fluoride is a natural mineral present in most water sources. This mineral has the unique ability to become incorporated into teeth and repair damaged tooth structure when in the early stages of cavity formation. Fluoride also makes enamel stronger and more resistant to the acids that cause tooth decay.

Fluoride usage is supported by the American Dental Association, the U.S. Public Health Organization, the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization. We believe that it is possible to get too much of a good thing however, and fluoride is no exception. More than 60 years of research has shown that optimal levels of fluoride help teeth and do not harm people or the environment, but too much fluoride ingested during the years of tooth formation may cause a mottled or spotted appearance of the teeth. Therefore it is important not to allow children to eat toothpaste, to remember to follow package directions and heed the advice of your dentist for optimal health.

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a major cause of tooth loss in adults.

Gum disease results from numerous factors including specific bacteria present in the mouth (in the form of plaque and tartar) often combined with other patient factors including smoking, diabetes, and/or genetic susceptibility.

This disease is usually painless, and patients experiencing it are often surprised to learn that they have it. In it’s early stages, gum disease can cause bleeding gums and mild pocketing, but in the later stages the disease will cause irreversible loss of bone, deeper pocketing and eventually loosening of the teeth.

Gum disease can be treated by numerous methods including scaling and root planing and surgical treatments. Using a small scaler or ultrasonic instrument and often with local anesthetic to reduce any discomfort, the plaque and tartar are carefully removed down to the bottom of each periodontal pocket.

Depending on the extent of the disease this root planing and scaling may require multiple visits where the mouth is divided into sections at a time. 4-6 weeks after completion, another appointment is needed to check the healing of the infection by way of measuring the periodontal pockets. If healing is not optimal additional treatment may be needed and in some cases surgery is required.

After the above mentioned treatment for gum disease your dentist and hygienist will recommend a maintenance schedule for future cleanings called periodontal maintenance visits. These cleanings include “below the gum line maintenance” intended to control the disease which is generally considered controllable but not curable. This schedule will generally be shorter, often on a 3 month basis.

Dental implants are small metal screws that are placed in the jaw in place of a missing tooth (teeth). Once fixed, crowns, bridges and dentures can be fixed onto the implants, creating a natural-looking and stable restoration.

Dental implants need 4-10 weeks to heal and fully integrate with your natural bone. The time period mentioned is a guide but can vary depending on individual cases. Most implants are placed under a local anesthetic, but can also be placed under sedation. You can restore your smile, eat without fear for the rest of your life, if you simply take care of you oral hygiene and regularly visit your dentist.