
Teeth Whitening is a procedure of removing stains and discoloration from your teeth and improving their colour to become whiter. The procedure is carried out using peroxide-based bleaching gels of varying concentrations (from about 8% to over 30%, depending on how it is applied). The process has become popular in recent years as our image-conscious society strives to maintain a more youthful appearance. Bleaching solutions generally contain carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide as the active bleaching ingredients.

3 methods of teeth whitening

1. In-surgery Teeth Whitening

This is also known as laser teeth whitening or power teeth whitening. A concentration gel, normally 6% gel is placed over your teeth, and activated by a laser light.


2. Take-home Teeth Whitening

Bespoke or custom-made trays are made for your teeth. We will give you a low concentration gel of 10% or 16% gel to last you for two weeks. This procedure takes longer, but will eventually get you the long-lasting result you require. As the trays will last you for life, we like to consider it as Teeth Whitening for Life!


3. Combination Teeth Whitening

A combination of the two above procedure provides the perfect solution to both immediate and long-term teeth whitening needs.

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